2024 Shaar / Olami Shteig Summit: 1-on-1 Chavrusa Registration
March 14th, 2024 @ 8:30 PM in Shor Yoshuv
Come participate in this massive Kiddush Sheim Shamayim! Give nachas ruach to the Ribono Shel Olam by bringing one of His beloved children closer to Him and His Torah. Bring your older son(s) along for an unbelievable chinuch experience - what an eternal z'chus for you and your family!
7:45 PM: Program kicks off with Charlie Harary and Rav Gav Friedman.
8:30 PM: 1-on-1 learning with student. No preparation necessary; easy-to-follow learning material will be provided. Introduce yourselves, shmooze, connect and shteig!
9:30 PM: Epic get-ready-for-Shabbos farbreng with the super-geshmak Reb Joey Newcomb (Over There) and musical chaveirim in the Shor Yoshuv dining room.